
Firefox Booster | Firefox Internet Accelerator

A computer screen showing the Proseware reader in operation. Image copyright (c) 2009.Firefox Booster merupakan Internet Accelerator yang dibuat khusus untuk salah satu browser terbaik di dunia saat ini, yaitu Firefox. Dengan software ini, anda dapat meningkatkan akselerasi internet di browser anda agar lebih cepat. Software ini sangat cocok untuk anda yang memiliki koneksi lemot seperti menggunakan modem dial-up.
Cara penggunaannyapun sangat mudah, anda hanya perlu memilih tipe koneksi anda dari tiga pilihan yang tersedia (slow, medium, fast). Setelah anda memilih salah satu dari tiga opsi tersebut, maka secara otomatis Firefox Booster akan mengkonfigurasi Firefox anda agar sesuai dengan tipe koneksi anda. Selain itu juga terdapat beberapa fungsi lain yang berguna untuk mengoptimalkan browser Mozilla Firefox anda. Firefox Booster mendukung versi Mozilla Firefox 1.xx, 2.xx, dan 3.xx. Dan ingat, sebelum menggunakannya anda harus menutup dahulu browser firefox anda (close) agar dapat merasak
an perubahannya.

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Firefox Booster
READ MORE - Firefox Booster | Firefox Internet Accelerator

Outertech Cacheman v7.5 + Serial

A computer screen showing the Proseware reader in operation. Image copyright (c) 2009.Outertech Cacheman - Program ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan stabilitas komputer Anda dengan mengoptimalkan cache, membebaskan RAM dan fine tuning sistem parameter dan banyak lagi. Program ini memiliki beberapa preset otomatis yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih optimasi yang paling cocok. Outertech Cacheman bekerja sebagai sebuah layanan sistem, meminimalkan penggunaan sumber daya dan Windows tweaker pada tingkat sistem. Jadi jika seseorang tidak puas dengan kecepatan komputernya Anda dapat mencoba sofware ini.

Fix slow downs, lag, and stuttering in computer games :

Cacheman can fix slow downs, lag, and stuttering in computer games including World of Warcraft (WoW), Call of Duty (CoD), and Star Wars – The old Republic (SWTOR). Cacheman will give more CPU power and make more memory (RAM) available to the game. Slow downs, lag, and stuttering in computer games is often caused by background process activity. For example, a background Virus-Scan performed by an Anti-Virus program can significantly slow down the computer.

Cacheman will dynamically regulate the priority of background processes (Anti-Virus programs, system services, Windows-Update installations) if they take too much CPU processing power. The front running application (in this case the computer game) will get a significant boost. Cacheman will also ensure that applications leaking (wasting) computer memory will not take away resources from the game. The dynamic priority feature is already pre-configured and works from the start.

The first Windows performance optimization software ever! :

The initial internet incarnation of Cacheman was introduced in early 1997 as the first Windows optimization application ever released. 15 years and millions of downloads later, Cacheman's 2012 edition is available as Version 7.50, fully supporting Windows XP/Vista and especially designed to speed up a Windows 7 computer. In its rich history Cacheman has been praised by almost every computer magazine world-wide. 

Even Microsoft recommended Cacheman 5.11: "Cacheman enables you to tweak the cache settings for your hard drive, CD-ROM drive, desktop icons and file and folder names in much more detail. You can pick a typical profile, use the wizard or just experiment." Read the History of Cacheman for more details, but don't forget to download first!

Operating system: Windows 7, Vista, dan XP
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READ MORE - Outertech Cacheman v7.5 + Serial

Hide My MAC Address v2.2

A computer screen showing the Proseware reader in operation. Image copyright (c) 2009.Solusi all in one untuk perubahan dan spoof MAC Address Anda.
Jangan biarkan MAC Anda keluar di tempat terbuka, melindunginya dari pencuri data, sembunyikan MAC Address Anda dari hacker, instansi pemerintah, ISP, jaringan WiFi, game online, dan banyak lagi!

Hiding Your MAC Address... 

Hide your MAC Address from hackers, government agencies, your ISP, WiFi networks, online games, and more! Anyone with the right tools can track your Internet activity if they know your MAC Address. Public Wireless Access Points are all over, some less secure than others. Every time you open your laptop, it automatically attempts to contact to wireless networks, regardless if you use WEP/WPA Encryption. Fool MAC-based ACLs (Access Control Lists) by cloning the MAC address of a computer that is already authorized to use a WiFi network. Don't let your MAC Address to get out in the open, download Hide My MAC Address now.

Key Benefits & Features:
Change your MAC Address with only one click!
Prevent online games from banning you based on your MAC Address.
Clone the MAC Address of another computer. Bypass some ISP registration requirements.
Get back into online games that banned you  based on your MAC Address.
Hide your real MAC Address from hackers, WiFi networks, and ISPs.


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READ MORE - Hide My MAC Address v2.2